Media Solutions



MSC have solid experience in smart needed solutions that fit for the media sector and have plenty of successful stories in this region.

News Manager

The most well-known one is News Manager which can automatically receive news feeds from agencies, RSS, email, and local and remote file locations. We have been expert at this for over 40 years.

News Manager for Enterprise Content Marketing; where such cloud-based solution that allows many users to share content, and combine copy, images, and graphics and AV files in one “Story”. The application can also be used by your external agencies. You get to assign the brief, and then watch to see what has been created and how it moves through the approval process. Content can be grabbed from a variety of sources - email attachments, RSS feeds, or even news agency news feeds.

That said, it is an essential practice to ensure that whilst conveying a message that is powerful and attention grabbing, your published content is consistent with any corporate messaging standards, in order to reinforce your brand.


NewsPress which is an editorial workflow management system that allows editors, department heads, sub-editors, correctors, production teams, chief editors and designers to log on to a single centralized server to process their daily tasks.

It is a web-based workflow solution designed by Layout International specifically for newspapers and magazines. NewsPress combines the editorial and production stages to automate the production process, making it an essential tool for small to large-scale publications.

In today’s highly competitive market, NewsPress is a cost-effective and time-saving solution for managing your publication.

With its multi-lingual interface including Arabic, English, and French, it guarantees the transfer of useful information across different departments and between all relevant personnel. From creation to execution, NewsPress will organize the complete editorial and publishing cycle.


MSC developed a web-based DAM system designed to fit the needs of the media sector, giving users round-the-clock access to live and archived digital assets.

It automatically creates a centralized repository of all digital assets and extracts related metadata, making the digital database easily and accurately searchable.

It guarantees control over all the digital assets in a corporation based on the assignment of roles for effective digital rights management. It also provides detailed logs to track the use of the assets and the DAM system itself.


  • We are very excited with NewsPress about managing our publications efficiently, and the multi publishing workflow solution that allows us to automate... Read more

    Mr. Mahmoud Saba
    the IT Director of Dar Al Khaleej, Sharjah-UAE
  • I would like to congratulate you all for the great achievements you have accomplished at “Lusail" (The first economical newspaper in Qatar)... Read more

    Mr. Abdul Latif Al Mahmoud
    the CEO of Dar Al Sharq, Doha-Qatar

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